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Infectious Leadership 


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What is
  Infectious Leadership   ?


Infectious Leadership is a carefully curated program promoting leadership development via lecture, training, or seminars. It was designed to foster the most effective professional and executive mindsets, and acts as a springboard to becoming a great leader. This specific program (whether delivered via keynote, seminar, training, or through 1:1 executive coaching) was developed for executives, managers, or individuals who want to evolve their leadership skill set. It inspires further development, provides a pragmatic approach to leading others, and offers customized tools to practice leadership.



Topics include:     

Reframing & Simplifying the Leadership Paradigm

Physiology & Leadership


Positive Psychology

The Four Determinants of Infectious Leadership

Changing a Culture

Challenges of Leadership for the Next Decade

Tools to Practice Infectious Leadership


Eagle Flying

How do I become a great leader?


Sometimes, a little knowledge is dangerous.


Everyone has access to incredible amounts of information about leadership, but as we all have experienced, it’s rare to find great leaders. Executives, talent managers, and coaches are often asked by the upcoming cohort of professionals, “How do I become a great leader”?  If you google that question, in less than one second, you will receive over 3 billion hits.  Finding an answer to this question can become an overwhelming task. I have been asked the following questions many times across my career:


What is your recipe for great leadership?


Are there certain characteristics or leadership styles that are better than others?


Is there an easy way to remember or practice the skills of great leadership?


How do you cost-effectively develop the next cohort of executive leaders?



You don't need to spend years in academia learning the methods, characteristics, or styles to become a great leader. This effective leadership development springboard (via lecture, training, or seminar), delivered by ALG's Founder, distills these questions down and provides a simplified and pragmatic approach to becoming a great leader.



"After 30 years of professional experiences (nearly half of which were in executive-level positions) and over a decade of reviewing materials, academic training, and listening to thousands of lectures, I’ve found that applying Infectious Leadership is the simplest and most efficient way to position yourself as a great leader. It’s my personal goal that by the end of the talk, you view leadership from a completely different - and much less daunting - perspective."

- RADM (Ret) Scott Giberson

Infectious Leadership   may be offered as


A Keynote Speech

Corporate or Academic Workshop, Seminar or Training

Virtual Presentation

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